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2.3 Commanders – Multicrew and various features

I summarised for you all the information from the Live Elite: Dangerous, February 16th.
Multicrew, features and other bit of information on the upcoming 2.3 update!

2.3 Commanders – Pilots Creations and various features

I have summarized for you all the information from the Elite: Dangerous Live, February 14th.
Holo-Me, Sweet & Vanity cams, Dolphin and Mega-ship!

The Outpost #59

Have a look at the latest news in the Elite: Dangerous universe!
Community, Ancient Ruins, Roleplay, and 2.3!

The Outpost #58

The Outpost, your weekly shot of Elite: Dangerous.
Commanders, Ancient Sites, exciting Lore, and news!

EVERYTHING about Commanders

Discover EVERYTHING you need to know about the upcoming Update 2.3: Commanders.
This article will be regularly updated

The Outpost #57

The Outpost, your weekly shot of Elite: Dangerous.
Mysteries, Alliance, news, and community!